White SW Computer Law
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Federal Court Legislation



  • The Federal Court Rules 2011 will commence on 1 August 2011.
    • These Rules are an extensive revision of the current Rules. The Federal Court Rules 2011 will be available on the Internet from the ComLaw site at http://www.comlaw.gov.au once registered on the Federal Register of Legislative Instruments.
    • In order to give practitioners an opportunity to become familiar with the Rules before they commence, copies of the draft Rules and the associated Court Forms are now available. These draft documents are available for access until 31 July 2011.
    • The draft Rules and forms should not be relied upon, other than to obtain a familiarity with the new approach and structure of the Rules. Only the Federal Court Rules 2011 when available from the ComLaw website should be accepted as the official version of the Rules. Likewise only the approved forms when published on the Court's website should be accepted as the official version of the Court forms.

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  This website is a guide only and should not be used as a substitute for proper legal advice.
  Readers should make their own enquiries and seek appropriate legal advice.
  For legal advice please email wcl@computerlaw.com.au