White SW Computer Law
Intellectual Property, Information Technology & Telecommunications Lawyers
Melbourne Office - PO Box 452, COLLINS STREET WEST Victoria 8007 Australia
Sydney Office - GPO Box 2506, SYDNEY New South Wales 2001 Australia
Telephone: Melbourne Office - +61 3 9629 3709 Sydney Office - +61 2 9233 2600
Facsimile: Melbourne Office - +61 3 9629 3217 Sydney Office - +61 2 9233 3044
Email: wcl@computerlaw.com.au Internet: http://www.computerlaw.com.au

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Why do you need our firm?

Do you have trouble explaining your business, project or problem to a lawyer who has little or no understanding of the technology issues involved?

Do you have legal documentation which is non-existent, ineffective, legalistic and lengthy and want to ?

Do you want to have the optimum protection available for your intellectual property?

Do you have problems getting your legal documentation reviewed in a timely basis and on a fixed fee?

If so, then you need our services.

Our Firm

White SW Computer Law is a law firm which practices in the area of commercial law with an emphasis on:


The advantage of using our firm is that we concentrate on those issues in order to provide you with up to date and cost effective legal services.

The firm's Principal, Steve White, holds both legal and computer science qualifications and is a Fellow of the Australian Computer Society.

He has worked in the information technology industry for over 20 years.

  © White SW Computer Law 1994-2019. ABN 94 669 684 644. All Rights Reserved.
  Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation
  This website is a guide only and should not be used as a substitute for proper legal advice.
  Readers should make their own enquiries and seek appropriate legal advice.
  For legal advice please email wcl@computerlaw.com.au