White SW Computer Law
Intellectual Property, Information Technology & Telecommunications Lawyers
Melbourne Office - PO Box 452, COLLINS STREET WEST Victoria 8007 Australia
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Telephone: Melbourne Office - +61 3 9629 3709 Sydney Office - +61 2 9233 2600
Facsimile: Melbourne Office - +61 3 9629 3217 Sydney Office - +61 2 9233 3044
Email: wcl@computerlaw.com.au Internet: http://www.computerlaw.com.au

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January The importance of doing your own enquiries Domain Name Policy Changes For .com, .net and .org Can You Be Bound By A Purchase Order? The importance of reliance in misleading and deceptive conduct cases Is your IT project a lemon?
February Director's Liability for Copyright Infringement Getting on with business electronically Resolving Domain Name DisputesIs Your Software Development Project A Joint Venture?First in, first served - Domain Name AllocationDoes your software development agreement define in adequate detail the dates for delivery and at what development stage the product is to be delivered?
March Damages payable for Trade Mark Infringement Copyright Infringement - How Much Is Enough? Employees & Intellectual Property Dealing With Software Errors Year 2000 Information Disclosure Act 1999Copyright Infringements On Web Sites - Who Is Liable?Don't rely on your company for protection
April Protecting Fashion Designs - Can Copyright Laws Be Used? Publication Of The Outcome Of Anton Piller OrdersDud DistributorshipsWhich Courts Govern Your Business?
May Business Acquisition - Did you really buy the intellectual property? Recent Review - High Court - Confidential Information Copyright Amendment (Digital Agenda) Bill 1999Do You Suspect A Copyright Infringement?Internet Framing and Copyright
June Software Source Code & Business Continuity PlanningSoftware Source Code & Business Continuity Planning Attempt to set aside MP3 raid fails The importance of a requirements analysis Is Your Software Licence Transferable?How Similar Is Deceptively Similar?Copyright In Australia And USAAcquiring A Part Interest In A Business
JulyWebsite Links - can they amount to misleading and deceptive conduct? Failure to renew a Software Reseller Agreement New Designs Act Copyright Infringement RaidsUK Domain Name Usage And Trade MarksA Change In Direction For Copyright In Australia
August Registration of a Trade Mark - Is your trade mark too similar? What happens when joint ventures fail? Whose Material Is Used In Your Training Manual? Where Can You Chase Your Internet Gambling Winnings?Directors' Fiduciary Duties
September Ex-employees and Confidential Information Termination of exclusive Software License Agreements Is Your Business Name A Trade Mark Infringement? Contractors' Responsibility For Year 2000 FaultsThe Commonwealth's Right To Use Your Copyright Works
October Restraint of Trade & Injunctions Getting ready to float or sell? Software Development In Australia Made Easier Software Development Agreements Can Publishers Reproduce Freelancers' Work In Electronic Form?
November Developing Similar programs for competitors Y2K - Dealing With ErrorsCopyright In New Game LevelsHave You Bought Compatible Hardware To Find That It Is Not?
December Stevens v Kabushiki Kaisha Sony Computer Entertainment & Ors Is Transferring Software From Disk To RAM Or Over The Internet An Infringement? Year 2000 Claim For PC Vendor Have You Thought Of Taking Ideas With You?

  © White SW Computer Law 1994-2019. ABN 94 669 684 644. All Rights Reserved.
  Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation
  This website is a guide only and should not be used as a substitute for proper legal advice.
  Readers should make their own enquiries and seek appropriate legal advice.
  For legal advice please email wcl@computerlaw.com.au